Bouquet of 31 Explorer Roses #1 (design)

  • $106.00 (340.26 byn)
  • $118.00 (378.78 byn)
Availability: In Stock
Package: Design Package
  • Rose Explorer (Equador) 60cm - 31 pcs
  • Pistacia (EU) - 6 pcs
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Experience the joy of giving with our stunning bouquet of 31 Explorer Roses, delivered straight to your loved one in Minsk. These roses are more than just a bunch of flowers - they're a statement of love, appreciation, and admiration

Our Explorer Roses are carefully handpicked to ensure the highest quality and freshness. With their vibrant hues of pink and purple, they're sure to brighten up any room and bring a smile to your loved one's face

But it's not just about their beauty - these roses also come with a range of benefits. Their delicate fragrance will fill the air and create a warm, inviting atmosphere. Plus, their long vase life means that your loved one will be able to enjoy them for days to come

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