Roses Explorer (box)

  • $63.70 (204.48 byn)
Availability: In Stock
Package: Round Box S/M
  • Rose Explorer (Equador) [70 см] - 9 pcs
  • Eucalyptus (EU) - 1 pcs
  • Eucalyptus (EU) - 1 pcs
  • Rose Explorer (Equador) [70 см] - 11 pcs
  • Eucalyptus (EU) - 1 pcs
  • Rose Explorer (Equador) [70 см] - 13 pcs
  • Eucalyptus (EU) - 1 pcs
  • Rose Explorer (Equador) [70 см] - 15 pcs



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Do you want to make a statement of love and appreciation for someone special? Show them just how much you care with these exquisite Explorer red roses with eucalyptus. Arranged in an attractive box and tied with an elegant bow-knot, this gorgeous bouquet will leave a lasting impression that will show your loved one just how much they mean to you. The vivid red color of the roses stands out from other flowers, making it even more special. Surprise your beloved by having this stunning arrangement delivered right to their doorstep!

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