Roses White Naomi S/M (box)

  • $37.50 (120.38 byn)
Availability: In Stock
Package: Round Box S/M
  • Rose White Naomi (BY) [40 см] - 15 pcs
  • Rose White Naomi (BY) [40 см] - 19 pcs
  • Rose White Naomi (BY) [40 см] - 21 pcs
  • Rose White Naomi (BY) [40 см] - 25 pcs



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These beautiful white roses are the perfect way to show your loved one you care. They are arranged in a beautiful box with an elegant bow-knot, and they will bring joy to anyone's heart. These beautiful blooms are mono-colored, so they will stand out from any other flowers. You can now have these gorgeous roses delivered right to your loved one's door, so you can surprise them with their beauty.

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